Not good enough. Not smart enough. Not attractive enough. Not funny enough. Not cool enough. Not interesting enough.
Not enough.
Your head and heart ache with thoughts and painful memories. All those times you’ve been told you weren’t wanted…that you didn’t measure up. Pushed aside or stepped on by someone you thought cared for you. Could it be true? Are you that dismissible? That forgettable?
It’s hard to ever know. So, you do what you do best: say yes when you really want to say no. Smile when you’re really hurting. And apologize when you’ve done nothing wrong.
All in the hope, that for once, you’ll be seen…liked…wanted…and loved.
Deep down you know that you have so much to give. That living small and out of everyone’s way is not a way to live. But it’s impossible to make a life of your own when it feels like it’s always in someone else’s hands. How can you feel good about the person you are when all around you, you’re told you need to just suck it up, work harder, and never let anyone see that you’re struggling?
It’s exhausting and you don’t know if you have anything left to give.
When you’re lost and don’t know how to come out from under all of this…know that you aren’t alone. I can help. I work with 20 & 30 somethings that are ready to put an end to the incessant climb that leads nowhere. To heal from the years of rejection, disappointing relationships, bullying, oppression, and loneliness so that they can regain their sense of worth and get back to making a difference in the world.